Be Loyal For One
October 03, 2018BEING GENTLEMAN doesn't mean you need to be loyal for everyone you meet. It's just means that whom you love and when you get that partner in your life whom you want to be Loyal Be loyal for that one. It came in any part of your life it's in your school life , in your college and after it.
Well, In this world full of fake peoples You just need a one person Whom with You always be loyal that person comes in your life at any moment and anywhere that means its not always true that with whom you are now you are loyal with that one . Well people think that you choose which you need to be loyal with that one but most time it is not possible for people which show that he/she is not that person whom you want. And i believe that Be gentle and flirt with everyone you like but when you got a person whom you love BE LOYAL that one and always be loyal with him/her.

Now Be Loyal For One
Loyalty of an
individual is often misjudged for being faithful or associated with it.
But both are different and faithfulness is a part of a loyal
relationship. Cheating doesn't only happen with someone else but also
happens when a person in a relation is reluctant to make it a happy
union and work for it.
Loyalty is rather the
urge to not cheat or simply at times just to have a happy and healthy
relationship. It is to stand by each other in ups and downs of life.
Let Others Know You Are Not Available
The fact that you are in a serious relationship does not mean members of the opposite sex cannot still be attracted to you, or that you will not still feel attracted to the members of the opposite sex you will meet in your office, at parties, or at the shopping mall. This is because your feelings do not shut off when you are romantically involved with someone.Therefore, you have to remind yourself constantly that you are in a relationship and that you want that relationship to work. In addition, you have to ward off the advances of members of the opposite sex who are attracted to you by telling them you are happy with your partner and that you are not interested in being unfaithful to your partner.
Resolve All Issues That Can Make Your Relationship Unhappy
If you are unhappy in your relationship, it will weaken the love you have for your partner and make your desire to seek that happiness with someone else. Thus, discuss any issues that are disturbing your peace and making it difficult for you to relate in an affectionate manner to your partner, and solve the problems so that you will be affectionate towards your partner.
Stay Away from People Who are Attracted to You
If you know someone who likes you and would wish to have a relationship with you, tell that person in no uncertain terms that you are attached to someone. Furthermore, explain that you are very happy in your relationship and have no intention to be unfaithful to your partner.

Go Out with Your Partner
If you know you will go to a place where you will find it hard to resist the advances of the person who is interested in you, go with your partner. Explain the whole situation to your partner and plead with him not to create a scene. Show acts of affection to each other whilst at the event to show the other person that you are madly in love with your partner and will not leave him for anybody else.
Be Smart When You are in Tempting Situations
If you find yourself alone with someone who is interested in you, come up with a convenient excuse to leave the room. Alternatively, send a text message to a friend who is close by to come around so that the person interested in you will not attempt to do anything silly.
Do Exciting Things Together Regularly
Have a list of activities you will do together every month or every year. Make time and do these things so that you can renew your love for each other and maintain your commitment to each other. Moreover, try new and exciting hobbies, visit countries you have never been to before together, visit exciting places.
Tell Him About Your Past
Tell your partner that with whom you are previously live and confirm him that its all the past and now you don't want that silly things.Believe that it is the best thing to do in a successful relationship.This is what You need to do with yourself when you are in a relationship.but if you want a loyal relationship you need to do something like
First Respect Her A Woman always remember those who Respect Her
You cannot make a case for or against a woman’s display of loyalty towards you unless you’ve asked for her loyalty. No self-respecting woman of honor or substance should ever pledge her loyalty and allegiance to a man exclusively who hasn’t asked her to.
Play Fair
If you ignore the first suggestion, at least understand that the desire for a woman to be loyal to you is an expectation. And if you have expectations of a woman, she’s going to have expectations of you and you have to be willing to honor her expectations in return.

Look For Other Ways Your Potential Partner Exhibits Loyalty in Her Life
Is she faithful to God, family, friends, work? Which means you actually have to get to know her outside of a bed and outside of just the two of you going out together in your world. You have to enter into her world and see how she functions in other relationships and settings. If you want her loyalty someday at least commit to making your presence in her life known sometimes.
No Testing
If you’re withholding commitment and keeping a woman under an evaluation period until she proves her worth to you, that’s called a test. And if you aren’t clear with her about what you’re testing her on, that’s actually more like a pop quiz. Nobody liked pop quizzes in high school, nobody needs them in dating.
Dating For Love or Loyalty is not a Street Game
No “one wrong move and she gets wracked.” This isn’t Scarface. You can’t expect unconditional love from a woman without practicing it yourself. Your mistakes don’t make you a failure. Hers don’t either.

No Woman is Flawless
Not even Beyonce. I’m sure she gets on Jay’s nerves sometimes too. It’s sweet that men like to praise and compliment women, but it also delays reality. If you approach a woman expecting to meet her flaws, you’ll be less disappointed when they show up, and you’ll probably find you still like her anyway.
No Risk, No Reward
Love is risky business. Because women are human — just like other humans you know; your mother, your father, your brother, your cousins — they will disappoint you at one time or another. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t loyal. It means they have issues, just like you. As we get older, and experience more rejection and let downs in love, willingly setting ourselves up for taking that risk again for love takes great courage.
Trust Your Instincts
If you like a woman a lot, see potential in her, it’s clear she has a good heart, just ask her to give you a chance. It worked in high school, didn’t it? You ask, she says yes or no. Worst-case scenario, you break up one day. But at least you had a great time with a great girl, and most likely you’ve become a better man for the next woman who comes along.

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